On October 15, 2018 around 1am, a strange car would pull into the driveway of 1268 Highway 8 in Barron, Wisconsin. That is the home of James and Denise Closs and their 13 year old daughter Jayme. Over the next few minutes confusion, chaos & violence would occur. The result....both James & Denise would be dead and young Jayme would be taped by the hands and feet, along with tape over her mouth, her being dragged to a car and locked in the trunk.

A 911 call did get out and deputies arrived shortly after to what sounded like a domestic disturbance. Upon arrival they would find James and Denise deceased and Jayme missing. They would spend days, then weeks, and even months on a roller coaster of lead chasing and disappointments. And as the New Years ball dropped, 2019 came upon us and still no Jayme or any hint of what happened. The only clue they really had was a red car that deputies passed on the way to the scene.  The one Jayme was actually in.

For 88 days Jayme lived in unkept conditions and would be forced to stay under his bed while visitors came over or he left the house. It would Jayme herself would find a way to get out and escaped. When her kidnapper left one day she made the great escape.  Jayme was 90 minutes from her home in Gordon, Wisconsin in Douglas County. She found a local neighbor and asked for help. 911 was called and deputies were on their way. Shortly after they arrived, the suspect, Jake Thomas Patterson, would arrive back in the neighborhood to see Douglas County Sheriff's squad cars everywhere. After a traffic stop based on independent resaoning and fitting the description and last name of the registered owner matching the suspects, Deputies pulled the vehicle over. He was identified as Jake Thomas Patterson. It was the suspect. He was taken into custody. The date was January 10, 2019 and Jayme was safely returned to her aunt and other family the very next day.

Jake Thomas Patterson gave full cooperation and statement to police. He admitted to planning the crime including casing the house, a previous attempt and getting kidnapping tools. He shaved off all hair to remove the possibility of DNA transfer on scene. He cut the escape cord out of his trunk and stole license plates to cover his.

Based on statements throughout, Patterson was dilusional ant thinHe eventually plead guilty of the crime and was sentenced to life in prison.

Special thanks to sources of information including

Barron County Sheriff's Office
Douglas County Sheriff's Office
Barron County District Attorney's Office
Wisconsin Department of Investigations
Kare11 News
Lou Raguse
Fox 9 News
Paul Blume
TMJ4 News
The Voice
Kris Kroeze