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The stories chosen for the True Crime Brief Podcast are selected based on the elements of the uniqueness of the incident(s), the need for the victims story to be told and the desire to understand the reasons behind certain types of crimes and the criminals who commit them.

Where local and national news media may cover the story of many snippets of information in 2-4 minute clips, the True Crime Brief Podcast strives to tell the story in a more dynamic and detailed format to get the entire story out. And lastly, to find a way to honor the memory and life of the victims of these crimes.

Order Dustin's book "10-88! Officer Down" today! Dustin breaksdown the intense details of his shooting on a very routine call, the chaos of healing, the legal & internal process, and the PTSD that resulted from all of it. Most importantly, the path he found to healing. Get it on Amazon today!